
27" x 33" oil on panel 2014
one of the first images in the Empathetic Robot series
private collection
Love is not an abstract emotion or concept, it is bound within the desire for action and contact with another being. Does love require reciprocating gestures? We love the trees, we love animals, who are we to say what cannot love us in return?
Sorrow is a continuing investigation I have with the theme of robots engaged in very human, empathetic moments. The loss of an adolescent child is one of the most painful moments I believe any one could endure, and wanted to project those emotions into a form of expression which stepped outside of contemporary politics. Over the years I have occasionally given thoughts to the theme of The Last Human on Earth. It was with this content in mind that I entered into resolving the image. The theme of tragedy runs deep in much of my recent work as I believe true character reveals itself under moments of extreme duress. The works of Caravaggio, de Ribera, Velazquez, Waterhouse and Michelangelo all speak to these issues of a tormented and challenged humanity, creating timeless works of art which are deeply personal.